Reunion Story
“HomeAgain Really Cares”
When this pet parent’s dog, Achmed, disappeared chasing a rabbit, she called HomeAgain in tears: “[HomeAgain] stayed on the phone with me and calmed me down. I absolutely LOVE HomeAgain. Thank you so much guys!” Achmed is now safe at home, but sadly suffered an injury during his adventures.
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Dog Drinking Water
Recognize the Signs of Dehydration
Dogs have limited ability to deal with the heat so regularly giving your pets water is crucial during the summer months. Learn how to recognize the signs of dehydration before things heat up too much.
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Dog at Vet
Doggie 911
Be prepared if an emergency strikes by following these helpful tips. Accidents can happen, that’s why as an extra benefit, HomeAgain members have free access to the ASPCA Emergency Medical Hotline available 24/7.
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Meet HomeAgain’s Team Member John and his buddy, Carter!
The HomeAgain team is filled with proud pet parents just like you, united by a passion for helping lost pets get back home to their loving families. Meet HomeAgain team member John and his buddy, Carter!
John and Carter
•  Carter was rescued in 2016
•  Carter loves to eat and always enjoys a good game of catch
•  John is passionate about HomeAgain: “I love knowing that every day we are helping to reunite families.”
Cat Using SureFeed
Special Offer on
the SureFeed®
Microchip Pet Feeder
•  Designed for multi‐pet homes so each pet gets the right food
•  Suitable for both wet and dry food
•  Sealed bowl keeps food fresher
Use Code: NewsFeeder20
Shop Now
*Offer valid until 8/15/17 on Microchip Pet Feeder only.
Dogs Playing Frisbee
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Woman Hugging Her Dog
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